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Team C.B.F Practices C.P.R. - Catch, Photograph & Release!

2006 TOBA Tourny!
High Island, Texas

Albert, Brice and myself got a late start but still managed to get to the beach earlier than usual. We were fishing the 1st Annual TOBA Redfish Tournament. It was really good turnout for such a cold day. Think there were 30 or so people participated. I want to THANK TJ Pilgrim aka "Jolly Roger" for hosting the event and Jim Glock aka "Galvbay" for the redfish plaque trophies. I also want to thank all the people that donated prizes for the raffle. Lastly, I want to thank all the people that made it out and made this tourney a huge SUSESS! I think we made over $1100 to donate to TOBA. We as fishermen need to do all we can to keep our sport alive. Shortly after we get out rods set up a rod on the far end just starts to scream! Albert hell-bent on taking TJ extra $100 for a kid winning the tourney beats everyone to the pole. After a good fight he manages to catch this respectable 40 ¼" fish!

After that we had one of the longest low tide I have ever fished through. It gave use time to warm up near the fire, cook some sausage and catch up with old friends from the board. Victor aka "Whopper" and Carlos aka "Gonzofish" it was good to fish with you again. Let's do it again soon. Like at the DRUMHOLE! I was getting worried that tourney time was almost over. We checked all the baits right before the tide started to come in and luckily we did. With all the BSing going on I see one of my favorite rods twitch just a bit nothing much but enough for me to get up especially with just 1 hour of fishing left. I tighten the line and I see nothing special. I turn around to get some seeds from my truck and I hear the group scramming like an old lady winning at bingo. Fortunately enough for me I get to the rod before the rest and start fighting the fish. This fish was taking out plenty of line with a stiff drag set. I knew it might be a good one. After a few minutes and still no fish on the beach I KNEW it was a big one. Even with experience tourney time makes doubts go thru your mind. Is my line frayed, is the hook set good, am I going to land him? Finally the fish is on the beach and we are taking measurements. 45 ½" and fat. Was it good enough was going thru my mind. We just need to wait and see!

Shortly after we start packing up to make sure we make it back in time for the weigh-in. We start reeling a rod and Albert states that it was loose and he had tightened the line. I decide to leave it where it was and we preceded to reel in the rods on the other end of the setup. We look back and Brice has that same pole in his hand and fighting something good. Man Albert was upset! That is just the way it goes boy? Brice eventfully lands himself a very nice 42 incher.

We pick up the last 4 rods and head to base camp. At camp we turn in our catch sheets to find that I tied for first but got second because my fish was caught late in the day and the other exact same sized fish was caught early in the morning. So close! Brice came in 3rd with his fish. All I can do is thank GOD for letting us do so well in what we like doing the most.

Team C.B.F. scores again!

I thank God for blessings he has given this family!



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